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Gifted Collaboration

1 gorra 3 tickets - 1 Gorro 2 Tickets

Gran sorteo de la Cubana de 300g en oro 14k

Get ready for a $20,000 madness! or Choose the cash prize

How it works ?

Buy a ticket for US$9.99 and you'll be on the list. There is not limited to buy tickets.

2500 Tickets have to be sold to make the draw.

The winner will be chosen during a live video on DIORO NYC's Instagram.

How is the winner chosen?

The winner will be chosen through RANDOM.ORG. Random Number Generator.

The winner will be called by phone during the live.

How the list works

For each ticket you purchase, your name goes on the list for the number of tickets you purchase.

The list will be published on the website and will remain visible for 3 days, where you can confirm your position on the list.

Is my information safe when purchasing?

Data is protected and encrypted. Any personal information is never visible to our platform.

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